Rider Alert IconRider Alerts:
TECO Line Streetcar ​Stations #1-4 will not be served during the Sant’ Yago Knight Parade. A temporary stop will be in place in front of the streetcar barn. Service until 2 AM.
Gasparilla Festival Service from HART
Learn about advertising opportunities on the TECO Line Streetcar!

Stops Icon

Centennial Park Station (#1)
20th Street & 8th Avenue
Southbound Schedule

Centro Ybor Station (#2)
16th Street & 8th Avenue
Northbound Schedule | Southbound Schedule

Streetcar Society Station (#3)
15th Street & 8th Avenue
Northbound Schedule | Southbound Schedule

Cadrecha Plaza Station (#4)
13th Street & 7th Avenue
Northbound Schedule | Southbound Schedule

Port Tampa Bay Station (#5)
McKay Street & Channelside Drive
Northbound Schedule | Southbound Schedule

York Street Station (#6)
York Street & Channelside Drive
Northbound Schedule | Southbound Schedule

The Florida Aquarium Station (#7)
Cumberland Avenue & Channelside Drive
Northbound Schedule | Southbound Schedule

Amalie Arena Station (#8)
Beneficial Drive & Channelside Drive
Northbound Schedule | Southbound Schedule

HSBC Station (#9)
Morgan & Old Water Streets
Northbound Schedule | Southbound Schedule

Dick Greco Plaza Station Powered by TGH (#10)
Franklin Street & Old Water Street
Northbound Schedule | Southbound Schedule

Hattricks Station (#11)
Franklin and Whiting Streets
Northbound Schedule

Maps Icon

Downtown Services Map
Downtown Tampa Map
Downtown Historic Ybor City Map

Hours Icon

Operates every 15 minutes (every 12 minutes during peak hours; Friday 1 PM to 9 PM, Saturday 1:00 PM to 10 PM, and Sunday 12 PM to 8 PM.)

  • Monday - Thursday 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM
  • Friday 7:00 AM to 2:00 AM
  • Saturday 8:30 AM to 2:00 AM
  • Sunday 8:30 AM to 11:00 PM

Streetcar service schedule

Service operates with an end-to-end running time of approximately 25 minutes. Changes to the frequency, running time and operating speed are possible and will be revisited by the THS Board as ridership grows and operating needs change.

Extra service is defined as service that exceeds the Base Service level. HART is authorized by THS to run Extra Service to accommodate crowds as needed (e.g. during Gasparilla Festival or sport events). Announcements for extra service will be available in advance of the events.

For more information on hours of operation, please call the HARTinfo Line at (813) 254-4278

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